Fundraising for Bridge Builders
Transforming young people from all walks of life into confident and resilient leaders
The formative years between age 12-25 largely determines how someone’s life is going to turn out.
12-25 is a huge developmental stage in a person’s life. We use a model from the Search Institute in the USA, called the 40 Developmental Assets. This model consists of preventative measures, positive experiences, and qualities that young people need to grow up healthy, caring and responsible. These assets are protective factors that have been consistently shown, by research, to buffer youth from risk.
As youth workers, our hearts sink as we see thousands of young people traumatised by anxiety, self-harm, family breakdown, mental health conditions and social isolation every year in our community, leading to a vicious circle of low self esteem, substance abuse, hospitalisations and suicide.
Deep down, most, if not all, of these young people want a better life. They just don’t know what the alternatives are. That’s why we have been committing ourselves over the past two decades to help these youngsters and create a life they’d never imagine possible.
At Bridge Builders, we develop growth and develop skills in young people aged 12-25 through a variety of leadership, event management and mentoring programs.
As a registered charity, the annual fundraising campaigns listed below is the sole financial source to sustain these life changing programs. Every dollar raised goes into changing the lives of young people. All but one of our team are volunteers, with over 45 volunteers who contribute to Bridge Builders

Current Campaign

Join our fundraisers and be a part of changing young lives like these:
I have proudly been a part of the Bridge Builders community for over 3 years now; and I hope to be around for many more. It is within the walls of Bridge Builders that I have found peace in stressful times and strength in moments of weakness. I first stepped through the doors with a heart full of distress and uncertainty, but through my time at Bridge Builders, I have found who I am and my love for life. Not only is it a safe and accepting place, but it is a place for growth and education. My knowledge has grown substantially, as has my confidence and self-love. I am now at a point in my life where I can reflect back and be proud of how far I’ve come because of the support and freedom Bridge Builders releases onto people. I am now in the position to help those who may be stuck battling the distress I used to. It is through the life-changing program we run, and the space and service we provide, that young people’s lives, just like my own, can transform.
There aren’t many places in Australia let alone Melbourne that can offer true guidance to young people like Bridge Builders, and the one’s that do exist are poorly funded, Bridge Builders is remarkable not only with its incredible achievements and turn arounds with young people but the fact their councillors truly connect with all who pass through, every member has a best mate relationship with a leader, every tough challenge is met with acceptance and wisdom and every lesson learnt is a lesson taught through kindness, passion and understanding!
Dante Rogers